Toha wandered around the house like a ghost all afternoon and entered the room in the evening and closed the door. Your birth mother Fahima called for some time. Toha didn't answer. He is sitting on the floor with his head against the wall. Life seems to have stopped. I want to cry so much. But there is no crying. Life seems insignificant to him. He covered his face with both hands and took two or five breaths. After two minutes, the hiccups came. The nose is red. Small eyes are the ocean in two waters. After a few seconds, the water is being wiped from the corner of the T-shirt. Excruciating chest pain. This pain is so painful that you want to give it a hard name. So that people suffer when they hear it. Tears in the nose, eyes and throat are getting wet. As if he is standing in the rain. I want to die. Toha looks at the ceiling fan and thinks, today I will die by hanging here. Toha got up in bed. Takes a veil after looking strong. After that, he left the veil thinking again. Sitting on a chair with a safety pin. Looking at the left hand and thinking, what if the vein is cut with a safety pin?
That Ceftipin stings as soon as it touches his sensitive skin. No safetypin will do. It will be very difficult. Can't die hard. There is already a lot of pain in the chest. You search on Google, what is the easiest way to commit suicide?
No way. On some websites some badass guys answered this question, try it with goat rope and kachu tree.
Your life has become vegetarian, there is increasing internal burning by seeing their mockery. Toha gives the status on his fake ID, what is the easiest way to commit suicide? Tell me a way that won't hurt.
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